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These musical clips
(.mp3 format) are
from songs originally
recorded at Westdeutschland Rundfunk studios, Cologne, Germany.

  Playing with me are:

  • Emanuel Borghi-piano & synth.
  • Keith Copeland- drums
  • Katrine Birrer -percussion.

    The tuning for these sessions
    is A = 444.8

Nighthawk - 1,360 Kb 

Sauvez La Terre - 740Kb 

Legacy - 611Kb 

Gaia (Take 1) - 1,392Kb 

Gaia (Take 2) - 930Kb 

Glide - 927Kb 


"Le Gecko" Featuring

Stafford JAMES (bass & compositions), Don ALIAS (percussion), Gene JACKSON (drums), Emil SPANYI (keyboards).

CD recorded in the Klaus von Bismark Saal of the WDR Studios in Cologne, Germany

For more details take a look at Le Gecko section on this website

To order please contact me